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FUS ( University Sports Forum )

The University Sports Forum is a sporting event bringing together participants from various backgrounds for tournaments in different disciplines. This competitive gathering aims to promote sports, teamwork, and fair play through exciting matches. Open to both amateurs and enthusiasts, it offers a unique opportunity to experience the thrill of competition while fostering interaction and camaraderie among participants.

To see more pics, here is the link to the drive : Link

Cultural Day


Cultural Day is an event that celebrates diversity and cultural exchange. It brings together people from different backgrounds to share traditions, arts, music, food, and performances. This event promotes understanding, appreciation, and respect for different cultures, fostering a sense of community and unity. Participants can explore various cultural exhibits, enjoy live performances, and engage in interactive activities that highlight the richness of global heritage.

To see more pics, here is the link to the drive : Link

Graduation ceremony

The graduation ceremony is a formal and festive event marking the completion of an academic journey. It brings together students, professors, families, and friends to celebrate the graduates’ achievements. During the ceremony, graduates officially receive their certificates or diplomas, often accompanied by inspiring speeches from faculty members and guest speakers. This event symbolizes the transition to new professional and personal opportunities.